Drawing and exporting the images are simple, but demonstrating the inspiration and explaining the reason why the design was done in that way is a different story.
In many of the interior designs by many architects, we learn that the designer was trying to apply the idea of multi-functional use of the house, where she treated the dining area not only as a dining room, but also as a mini bar counter. Here you may ask, so what is the relationship between this interior design idea with user experience? Think about it, when you get home after work every afternoon, when you cook and serve your dinner, how long do you actually stay at the eating area? Or the dining room makes you sick of enjoying the dinner while you have to eat it fast and give your stomach more pressure because it has to receive loads of food to digest at the short period of time. Have you ever sat down, experienced, and enjoyed your dinner every single second after work every day?
At the same time, have you ever thought about Feng Shui (風水) in your bedroom? Do you know that the two-elements Wind & Water plays an important part in providing balance between yin and yang in the human body? This brings you calm after 8 hours of office work because at the end of the day, calm is the only thing that gives you good sleep and restores your energy so you’ll feel better in the morning after. Isn’t this also user experience design?
Life is made of yin and yang, once we know how to design an experience which perfectly balances those two, isn’t that life-worthy?
Cuong Dao