Showing 6 Result(s)

Book Cover Design

As a novels reader, I can sit all nights long to read and design an attention-grabbing cover for it. My latest designs are being exhibited on Nha Nam Publisher for Haruki Murakami’s Killing Commendatore novel.

Cultural Research

Trees dropped their leaves again from her view that day. Staying in her terrace for years as an insider while she was counting every falling leaf for every melody from the song playing from her earphone every Sunday. Trees prepared for season, and to mark the winter maybe? How one treats herself as an insider …

Contemporary Art

If computers and controllers are considered as traditional live electronic performances, as Primus Luta said “so often laptops and controllers sets are absolutely boring but this was a real performance”, as a contemporary practitioner, it is unbiased to apply other disciplines’ theories into another form of art. While literature isstill considered as a traditional storytelling …

iOS App & Game

I’ve been writing so many stories, designing and developing iOS game which are available on Apple App Store for the last 5 years. My latest game, Ryotama, a story about the traditional culture of Tibetan people, who lived in a homeland with full of spiritual Dzi beads. In this game, let you, as Ryotama, collect …

User Experience Design

The best method of designing an experience is to emphasize on narrative craft and persona development by human senses. We all are a book to be written by our own life-experience story. We all start from a point and end at a point. Importance is what happened in the processes, places, and decisions we make …